In terms of money, she's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就金钱来说她很富有,但就幸福来说则不然。
In terms of money we're quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 从金钱的角度来说,我们是很富有,但从幸福的角度来说,我们不富有。
European central banks are standing ready this week to stem the turmoil in money and credit markets after the US Federal Reserve moved on Friday to make direct loans available to banks on favourable terms and hinted at an interest rate cut. 欧洲各央行本周已做好准备,将采取措施抑制货币和信贷市场的动荡局势。上周五,美联储(Fed)采取行动,以优惠条件直接向银行提供贷款,并暗示可能降息。
The value of money changes through time because of inflation or deflation; yet, most of our debts are written in money terms. 货币的价值因时而异,那是因为存在通货膨胀和通货紧缩;,但是,我们大多数负债都以货币方式记录。
Karen McCall: In your book "Emotional Business," you talk about money in terms of what it represents for many people. 在您的《情感交易》一书中,您谈到货币对于大多数人而言代表什么。
The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed, official rate of exchange. 等值用不同种货币以一个固定的官方交换汇率表示的一定货币的等量价值。
As this is being written, in fact, printing money is the world's biggest industry& if the product is measured in monetary terms. 要是以货币来衡量“产品”价值的话,那么以钞票为产品的印钞业,无疑是当今世上规模最大的产业。
Most of us are accustomed to a money frame, so most of us& when we lend money to each other, we do it in money terms. 我们大多数人都习惯了货币框架理念,因此,我们大多数在借给别人钱时,都以货币形式操作。
That would be putting it in a real frame and& wouldn't that be more sensible, because you would be specifying the contract in real terms rather than money terms? 那样的话就是一种实物框架理念-,那样不是更合理吗,因为在你拟定合约时,会更倾向于用实物而非货币来计算?
The paper deals with the quantity of money in relation to its nature and function, the opposite of money, its limitless meaning in terms of nature while the limited one in terms of its quantity. 阐述了货币数量与本质、职能的关系,货币数量的对立面,货币在质上是无限的,在量上是有限的。
It is a rational decision to engage in ML activities, but money laundering itself is not a rational behavior in traditional terms, implying that money launderers and their activities are characteristically different from the normal economic behaviors of normal people. 进入洗钱行业是理性决策的结果,但洗钱本身并不是传统意义上理性的经济活动,这就注定了洗钱者及其洗钱行为必然表现出不同于正常人和正常经济活动的特征。